Stanley the dog

The benefits of a healthy gut

"A better gut means better health. It really is that simple"
November 08, 2019 — Team Verm-X
A natural approach to animal health

A natural approach to animal health

Holistic vet Nick Thompson MRCVS explains why he chose a natural approach to animal health and wellbeing.
November 01, 2019 — Developer AUK
Award-winning dog agility tips

Award-winning dog agility tips

Putting Verm-X through its paces. Lee Windeatt shares some winning tips on what makes a dog agility champion, and why nutrition plays a key role in their development.

September 27, 2019 — Developer AUK
Snuggled pussy cat

The health benefits of owning a pet.

They're always pleased to see you and who doesn't love a cuddle with their four-legged friend, so maybe it's no surprise to hear the numerous health benefits of owning a pet.
September 20, 2019 — Developer AUK