DIY holiday bird seed wreath
Making a DYI bird seed wreath this winter could not be easier and you can show your support for wild birds by making them a nutritious and delicious treat at home.
Feeding robins, sparrows, finches and more when their food supply is scarce can make a huge difference to their well-being during the colder months, as supplies are low and energy is precious.
Winter can make your garden seem bleak, so filling it with wild birds will help you connect with nature, even in the darkest and coldest months.
Bird wreath recipe
Not only can this provide vital sustenance for the birds in your garden, making a bird seed wreath is a really lovely winter holiday activity to do with your family.
You could even make one as a gift for friends or family.
DIY holiday bird seed wreath
- ½ cup warm water
- 1 packet unflavoured, organic gelatine
- ¾ cup gluten-free flour
- 3 tablespoons golden syrup
- 3 cups organic bird seed
- 1 packet Verm-X Original Pellets for Garden Birds
- 1 cup dried cranberries (or other fruit)
- Holiday Ribbon
- Greased (we used organic olive oil, but you could also use organic coconut oil) Bundt Pan
DIY bird seed wreath
Making your own bird seed wreath only takes about 20 minutes, but the gelatine will need to set for at least 24 hours before you hang it outside.
- Combine warm water and gelatine in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add flour and stir until it forms a thick paste.
- Stir in Golden Syrup
- Add in bird seed, Verm-X Original Pellets for Garden Birds and dried cranberries.
- Grease the Bundt pan liberally.
- Press the bird seed mixture into the bottom of pan.
- Leave in a cool, dry place for 24 hours, or until dried completely.
- Remove from pan and hang outside using a festive ribbon.
Bring the wreath outside and carefully hang it where the birds will see it. You can even set up a camera nearby and try to get some photos.

Do birds like bird seed wreaths?
Survival for wild birds can be difficult at any time of year, but especially during the colder winter months where food may be scarce. Smaller birds will appreciate your efforts and relish this tasty treat.
How long do bird seed wreaths last?
These usually last about a week to ten days - squirrels and other uninvited guests not included.
What seeds do birds eat in winter?
Different birds have different tastes, and you can try sunflower seeds, cracked corn, peanuts, and suet to attract a variety of birds to your garden.
We'd love to see photos of your bird seed wreath in your garden, and to hear what birds it attracted. Tag us in your photos on Facebook or Instagram and be entered in our Photo of the Month competition to win a Verm-X product of your choice.