As part of our commitment to be kinder to animals and kinder to the planet, we'd like to encourage everyone to reduce their plastic consumption and waste throughout this month.

With up to 12 million metric tonnes of plastic ending up in our oceans each year, small actions can have a big impact if we all work together.

What can I do for plastic free July?

The good news is that it's easier than ever to go plastic free, with many more eco-friendly options available.

If you're looking for inspiration, we've put together some ways that you can participate in Plastic Free July and, hopefully, carry them through to the rest of the year.

Here are some simple ways to ditch the plastic.

Use a reusable water bottle

Carry a reusable water bottle for you (and your dogs) to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Refill it at water fountains, cafes or restaurants to avoid single-use plastic bottles.

Shop thoughtfully 

Look for brands which offer products with minimal packaging or packaging made from eco-friendly materials, like paper. Most of our products are now available in paper packaging, which is fully recyclable.

We also pack them in cardboard boxes with compostable packing peanuts that completely dissolve in warm water.

When purchasing items, opt for products made from sustainable materials like glass, metal, bamboo or natural fibres instead of plastics.

Keep an eye out for the B Corp logo on any products that you purchase. Choosing a product made by a certified B Corporation means that the company has been extensively audited over their environmental impact and has pledged to reduce this as much as possible.

Bring your own coffee cup

If you're a coffee or tea lover, bring your own reusable travel cup with you when you visit coffee shops.

Takeout coffee cups are made from paper and lined with plastic, which makes them waterproof, but this plastic lining cannot be removed by many recycling facilities.

Most cafes are more than happy to fill up your cup instead of giving you a disposable one. 

Ways to avoid plastic pollution

Bring your own shopping bag

Don't forget to carry your reusable shopping bags whenever you pop to the shops or supermarket.

Keeping a few bags in the boot of your car is ideal, so you're always prepared. 

Make your lunch plastic free

Carry a set of reusable utensils with you to avoid using plastic cutlery when eating out. 

Use reusable containers and beeswax wraps to pack your lunches instead of relying on single-use plastic bags or cling film.

This practice helps reduce plastic waste and keeps your food fresh.

Properly recycle or dispose of plastics

If you do end up using plastic items, make sure to recycle them correctly. Check your local recycling guidelines to ensure you're recycling properly.

Additionally, if you come across any plastic waste, properly dispose of it in recycling bins or trash cans to prevent it from ending up in the environment.

Avoid products containing microplastics

Microplastics, or microbeads, are tiny particles of plastic material that have become a growing source of ocean plastic pollution in recent years.

According to The Oceanic Society, "These are found in some face scrubs, toothpaste and body washes, and they readily enter our oceans and waterways through our sewer systems, and affect hundreds of marine species."

Ingestion by a variety of marine and terrestrial species, from plankton and fish to birds and mammals, can cause great harm, so it's important to avoid products that contain them.

Join the plastic free movement

Organise a clean-up

Because it's so lightweight, plastic often gets blown away on it's way to the landfill, ending up in rivers and oceans and  

Our marine ecosystem is then vulnerable to ingestion, suffocation and entanglement. Organising a local clean-up is a great way to make rivers and the ocean safe for both animals and people.

Be part of the plastic pollution solution and get your friends, family or even colleagues involved and clean up a local beach or river.

Show your support

There are many non-profits working to reduce and eliminate plastic pollution in a variety of different ways, including:

Spread awareness

Encourage your friends, family and community to participate in Plastic Free July by sharing information about the campaign and your own experiences and tips for reducing plastic waste.


We hope you use Plastic Free July as a starting point to adopt long-term habits that minimise your plastic consumption throughout the year. 

Remember, reducing plastic waste is an ongoing effort and even small changes can make a big difference.

July 11, 2023 — Verm-X